April 21 & 22, 2023 in the Grote Kerk Wageningen

HWSO/HAk perform Kurt Weill's 'Der Ozeanflug'.
Der Ozeanflug is a "Lehrstück" by German dramatist Bertolt Brecht, inspired by We, Charles Lindbergh's 1927 account of his transatlantic flight in the plane Spirit of St. Louis. Written for the Baden-Baden Music Festival, it was originally titled Lindbergh's Flight (Der Lindberghflug) and premiered in 1929 with music by Kurt Weill and Paul Hindemith in a broadcast by the Frankfurter Rundfunk-Symphonie-Orchester conducted by Hermann Scherchen and produced by Ernst Hardt.
Koen sang the part of Charles Lindbergh.
More information at: HWSO/HAK