Dort wo du nicht bist - Opera Spanga

Multiple performances in the autumn of 2024, exact dates will follow


In the theatrical song recital ‘Dort wo du nicht bist’, director Corina van Eijk and pianist/coach Mark van Nispen, together with young tenor Koen Masteling, explore two 19th-century friendships.

At the centre is the ambivalent first meeting between Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and Friedrich Schiller in Jena, and friends Franz Schubert and Johann Mayrhofer living together in Vienna. How did the mutual adoration, indicative of both friendships, influence the work of these artists, and how open was the affection between these men in two cultural hotbeds at the dawn of Romanticism?

Director: Corina van Eijk
Pianist: Mark van Nispen
Tenor: Koen Masteling
More information and tickets coming soon at: Opera Spanga
