Architectonen - Laurenskerk

9 October 2024 at 20:15 in the Laurenskerk in Rotterdam


The majestic vaults of the Laurenskerk inspire us to explore the theme of architecture in music. Viewed properly, every composition is an edifice in itself. Or, in the words of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: ‘Music is liquid architecture, architecture is solidified music.’ Composers have taken ideas for the structure of their works from the buildings in which their music came to sound. In the coming years, we want to further explore the stimulating relationship between architecture and music in architecture city Rotterdam. In this programme, we orient ourselves among other things to double choristry, as originated in Venice's San Marco, and let you experience that where architecture and choral singing meet, the mind expands.



Laurens Symphonic
Wiecher Mandemaker - Conductor
Hayo Boerema - Organ


Tallis / Spem in alium
Josquin des Prez / Mass: Kyrie
Willaert / De profundis
Gabrieli / Mass: Gloria á 16
Allegri / Miserere
Schütz / Psalm 100
Bach / Motet Komm, Jesu Komm
Lotti / Crucifixus
Messiaen / Apparition de l'église eternelle
Rheinberger / Mass: Credo
Verdi / Ave Maria
Pizzetti / Mass: Sanctus, Benedictus
Schönberg / Dreimal tausend Jahre
Barber / Mass: Agnus Dei

More information and tickets at: Laurens Vocaal